Exhibitors are requested to read the following rules carefully
1. All exhibits must be the absolute bona fide property of the Exhibitor.
2. All entries must be made in writing, signed by or for the Exhibitor and lodged with the Secretary on or before the closing date.
3. Each Exhibitor in pavilion classes, on making an entry, will receive a ticket with the class, section and number of the exhibit. Section tickets will not admit the Exhibitor to the showground.
4. The Committee shall have the power to require that a statutory declaration be made concerning any Animal or Article entered for the Show.
5. The judges may award a second or third prize instead of a first, or may withhold a prize altogether where there is only one exhibit and where exhibits are not considered worthy.
6. All persons exhibiting shall accept the decision of the Judges appointed by the Committee and, in case of protest, the decision of the committee shall be considered final and without appeal.
7. All protests or objections in connection with the Show must be made in writing and lodged (with a deposit of $20) with the Secretary within 1 hour of the completion of judging of the Section on the day of the Show and same to be considered by the protest Committee. Should the protest be deemed frivolous the deposit may be forfeited.
8. The Owner or Exhibitor of any exhibit disapproved of as an exhibit by the Stewards of the Class exhibited in must immediately upon notice to that effect remove such exhibit from the Society’s grounds.
9. Should any Exhibitor refuse to present entry (without good cause) before the Judge, such Exhibitor shall be instructed to remove such exhibits from the Showground and, other Societies within the group be notified of such action.
10. Any person(s) insulting or interfering with the judges during the Show shall be subject to removal from the grounds and, prizes (if any) awarded shall be forfeited.
11. Any Exhibitor or attendant refusing to attach the Prize Card to an exhibit and keep the Card on during the hours of the Show, will, on proof of the Stewards, be disqualified from receiving all of the prizes awarded to the said Exhibitor during the show.
12. Should any exhibit that has gained a Prize be disqualified, the next on the list does not necessarily receive the same prize. The Committee, with or without the advice of the judges, shall decide the question.
13. Exhibits must remain until 4.00pm unless otherwise directed by the Stewards.
14. Current E.F.A. or R.A.S. Certificates to be shown on request. Random checks may occur and disputes decided by the Society Measurer in attendance.
15. The Society shall not under any circumstances be liable for:
(a) the loss or death of an exhibit.
(b) Any damage or injury occasioned to or by the exhibit.
16. Any loss, damage or injury occasioned to or by an Exhibitor acting on his/her behalf must be reported to the Show Secretary immediately following the occurrence.
17. The Society has the power without assigning a reason to:
(a) Cancel any event or class.
(b) Alter the time and place at which a class or event Is to take place.
(c) Alter the condition of any event. (d) Remove any exhibit from the showground.
18. The Exhibitor shall at all times and in all respects comply with the directions of the Society.
19. The Society may, in its absolute discretion, make reciprocal arrangements with anybody for the recognition and enforcement of each other’s punishments.
20. Any prize money not collected by 6.00 pm on Show day will be deemed to be a donation to the Society.
- Cards presented for Class Winners
- Ribbons presented for Champion and Reserve
- Champion Trophies for Major Awards
- Class Prizes From Sponsors
Ridley Feeds
Laucke Mills
J&D Stockfeed
Ranvet Supplies
Julia Goddard
Poultry Prizes and Awards
- Champion Large Soft Feather
- Champion Soft Feather Bantam
- Reserve Champion Soft Feather Bantam
- Champion Large Hard Feather
- Reserve Champion Large Hard Feather
- Champion Hard Feather Bantam
- Reserve Champion Hard Feather Bantam
- Reserve Champion Large Soft Feather
- Champion Junior Bird
- Reserve Champion Junior Bird
- Champion Bird in Show
- Reserve Bird in Show
- Best Pair
- Best Trio
- Champion School Exhibit
- Reserve Champion School Exhibit
For further information, contact
Julia Goodard
0403 353 729
Please submit your entry via the form below.
You can submit as many entries as you like however the form must be submitted for each entry.