Horse Section Regulations

Please abide by our biosecurity requirements 

**All competitors MUST ensure their responsibility to the removal of their OWN rubbish and equine manure, bedding and feed from the grounds** 


Click here to view regulations
1. The Committee has the right to alter, cancel, change or combine classes without prior notice tocompetitors.

2. Exhibitors should carefully peruse the rules regarding entries, conditions, etc, and particularly the special class and section under which they propose exhibiting, as these must be rigidly adhered to.

3. The Society will not be responsible for any accident, caused through or by an exhibitor and it shall be a condition of entry that each exhibitor shall not hold the Society responsible and indemnify the Society against any legal proceedings arising from such accident.

4. Random swabbing may take place.

5. Stallions will only be permitted to compete in the classes set down for them, and are to be shown with bit in mouth and must be exhibited by persons 18 years and over only, with the exception of Shetland Pony Stallions which may be ridden by a competent person to the satisfaction of the Committee.

6. No Judge shall be an exhibitor in the section(s) where he/she is judging.

7. The Judges may award a second or third prize, instead of a first or may withhold a prize altogether where the exhibit/exhibits are not considered worthy.

8. Prizes are as stated in each section.

9. No appeal against the decision of the judge will be entertained unless made within half an hour after the prizes have been awarded on the day of Show, and a deposit of $100 made, which will be forfeited if the Protest Committee thinks it frivolous. Stewards are to be made aware of all facts at thetime.

10. The Society reserves the right to refuse/reject any entry.

11. One or Two members of the Committee or Guests of the Society will attend each class judged as Stewards. It will be their duty to see that no obstruction is offered to the Judges and that the space allotted to them is not encroached upon, to communicate to the Ring Master of the Horse Section anyquestions that may arise for consideration of the Committee.

12. No Dogs Allowed.

13. The Society will not be held responsible for any injury, loss or damage to competitors,

14. Spectators, equipment or property. Exhibits and displays shall be accepted on this condition.

15. In the event of any section of the Show being cancelled due to adverse weather or other unforeseen circumstances, no money can be claimed by exhibitors, stallholders, etc.

16. Novice means not having won a first prize competing in that class at any Agricultural Show, Gymkhana

17. Intermediate means not having won a first, second or third prize competing in that class at anAustralian Royal Show.

18. Proof of age MUST be produced on request.

19. Where applicable proof of Registration MUST be produced on request.

20. Judging will not be held up should classes clash.

21. Horses/Ponies may be measured at random or at the discretion of the Judge(s). The Measuring stewards’ decision is final.

22. No competitor or his/her family shall approach a Judge with regard to a decision unless he/she first obtains permission from the Ring Steward or Ring Master who may arrange an appointment with theJudge at a proper place and time. The Steward shall remain present during this meeting.

23. Judges decision is final.

24. All foals must be haltered whilst on the Showgrounds.

25. Water will be provided in the Showgrounds for livestock but exhibitors must supply their own feed.

26. The Society’s “Privacy Disclosure Statement” will be on display in the office on show day.

27. All horse events are run under VAS regulations. Please see VAS website for more information.

28. Horses competing in show-horse events are ineligible to compete in show-hunter

Open, breed and harness rings run SATURDAY the 19th of October.            HRCAV and pony club running on SUNDAY the 20th of October

Entry on the day

For further information, contact

Andrew James
0407 166 957

Horse Schedule Entry Form

Please note that entries can only be submitted on the day.

Entry fee is $10 for a vehicle
$5 per class pay on the day 
EFTPOS will be available 



Ring one:
Lee Purchase

Ring two:
Taylor Lee

Ring three:
Melanie McGuire
